Humans have always strived to be bigger, better and more powerful; it is in human nature. By earning more money, and expanding ones business, this human nature can be satisfied. On line 16 on page 154 , ‘We’ve got a fabulously …show more content…
The people of the village decided to use the supernatural power of the hole to their benefit. Scientists were called to come and analyze the hole, and put in into a scientific perspective. They concluded that the hole must be filled. One man, a concessionaire, then bargained with the village mayor, saying that he would rebuild the destroyed shrine closer to the village, in exchange for the hole. This agreement was the start of the hole-filling company. The concessionaire wanted to be more powerful, and by using the hole to start a business, he was gaining more power and strength. The concessionaire was not the only one who benefited from this company. As the hole gained more popularity and money, the village situated near the hole also started to develop. In line 21 page 155, it is stated ‘Aiming for the heavens, new buildings went on being constructed one after the other.’ The quote can be taken quite literally. What was once a quite village with a shrine now consisted of skyscrapers and other tall buildings, all being constructed relatively quickly. It can also be seen that with the construction of skyscrapers, the village was ‘aiming for the heavens’. The hole had brought significant