Professional and Management Development
Within this assignment I will utilise the Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards of Proficiency (NMC 2004a) for entry to the register to critically reflect upon my portfolio of evidence in order to demonstrate that I am fit to practice. In doing this I will discuss the terms ‘proficiency’ and ‘reflection’. I will identify the model of reflection I am going to use within this assignment and will give a rationale for this choice. For each domain I will provide a critically analysed reflection, using evidence taken from my portfolio. For each domain I will demonstrate what learning has taken place, identifying a learning outcome and action plan from each reflection.
Nursing is a practice based profession and as such requires an agreed standard of proficiency to ensure patient safety (Howard and Eaton 2003) The Nursing and Midwifery Council has developed Standards of Proficiency (NMC 2004a) and these standards must be achieved in order to for the student nurse to become registered as a qualified nurse (Gallagher and Holland 2004).
The NMC Standards of Proficiency are contained within the four domains, which are professional and ethical practice, care delivery, care management and personal and professional development (NMC 2004a). The NMC (2004a) define ‘proficiency’ as standards which define the fundamental principles of being able to practice as a first level nurse. Benner (1984), in her 5 levels of proficiency, describes the proficient nurse as a nurse who, as a student, has become competent through acquiring experience in her role, and is now able to demonstrate that she can draw deeply upon previous experiences and adapt them appropriately to the current situation. Applicants for entry onto the register must have achieved the standards of proficiency in the practice of their chosen branch of nursing in order to become registered on the first level of the nurse’s part of the register (NMC