The eggs are attached by glue from the female reproductive system; the glue then hardens, and covers the hair shaft and large parts of the egg apart from the operculum which is where the embryo breathes. The eggs are approximately 8mm long; they can be bright to a tan coloured.
After the egg is hatched, the nymph leaves its shell behind. The shell stays in the hair until it is removed by the lice or by accident.
The nymph will moult three times before it reaches adulthood. The abdomen grows in size after each moult. Head lice cannot survive away from the human head.
The lice will mate which produces fertile eggs. The lice may find a pair in the first 10 hours of adult live, and begin mating from then on at any time of the night or day.
The lice feed 4-5 days a day on human blood to survive. The lice take over the whole head however, popular areas to find them are above the neck or behind the ears.
Lice move by climbing from hair to hair with their claw like legs. They invest in a new head by close contact with two people. The most common ways for the lice to spread is shared hair brushes, towels, clothing or head to head contact.
Symptoms of head lice include: itchy scalp- especially behind the ears and at the back of the head.
Diphtheria causes bad inflammation of the trachea, nose and throat. It is a serious contagious disease. There is many symptoms and signs included in this disease, some may