The early years are a period of opportunity to establish a solid neural foundation for later development. The early years are also a period of increased risk that can compromise a child’s development for life. Children’s ability to develop secure relationships and their general resilience all depend on the early year care they receive from parents, pre-school teachers. Children living in poverty, disadvantaged families and communities, are at higher risk of negative outcomes during this…
If a child’s development is not following the expected patterns it is important to implement early intervention to maximize development.…
As an Early Head Start teacher, I utilize two developmental screening tools, the Brigance Screens and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, to determine if there are any potential developmental delays present in the children participating in my program. I allow the child to become comfortable in the program before administering these tools, typically using them when the child has been enrolled at least a month. In order to gain maximal benefit and assist in the individualization of my program, I make sure that these tools are administered and scored within the first 45 days of attendance. If a child scores low on the first screening, I notify the parents and work with the child to see if I can strengthen skills in the area(s) where there is a deficit. I then conduct the screening again about 60 days later. If there is skill a concern at this point, I hold a conference with the child’s parents and make a pre-referral to the Special Needs/Mental Health Coordinator for Head Start/Early Head Start.…
First of all let me just start out by explaining a little bit about Head Start. Head Start is a preschool, or pre K program that caters mostly to children that are part of low-income families. They also specialize in helping children with disabilities. Created in 1965, Head Start is the most successful, longest-running, national school readiness program in the United States. It provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families. Head Start works on 5 different areas of development: Social/Emotional, Fine more, gross motor, cognitive and language development. Their daily curriculum includes all 5 areas of development. Nearly 25 million pre-school aged children have benefited…
For my first observation I chose the Early Head Start Program in Omak. I was at the facility on February 14th from 8:30 to 10:30 A.M. The name of the head teacher and supervisor at the center is Jodi. On this morning I was specifically looking for evidence of the ten principals from the research of Magda Gerber as described in chapter one of our textbook. There were four adults to the eight toddlers in the center and all of them have had some training in early childhood development. The children were ages two and one half to three and a half years old. The following are some of the observations that I made during my time at the center.…
Lee, V. E., & Loeb, S. (1995). Where Do Head Start Attendees End up? One Reason Why Preschool Effects Fade out. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 17, 62-82.…
Today many public schools have pre-kindergarten programs. The children in these programs come from different experiences, backgrounds, and all have different needs. Pre-kindergarten programs give children an advantage to learning prior to kindergarten. I performed my second filed observation at Pinkston Street Elementary School in Henderson, NC. The elementary school is in a rural county and this school has lots of diversity in which there are African-American, Caucasian, and Mexican students. The classroom that I observed is one of four pre-kindergarten classrooms in the school. The elementary school is also one of three of the schools in the county to require…
Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, by the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement.…
As administration changed so did the operations of Head Start programs, including classroom management. The changes included a focus on the health and school readiness of young children living in poverty. Head Start programs have manipulated to meet the challenges of financial strain but implementation of quality control and performance standards. It acts in context with society to meet the needs of eligible children and the realities they present within the classrooms, also. To meet the ecological impacts of children by their exosystem, Head Start classrooms have identified the importance of connecting with families and community resources. Quality Head Start programs have made the commitment to refine their approaches to foster social competence, leading to the ability to meet defined school readiness goals and program performance…
Early childhood education programs provide parents with an opportunity, the opportunity to give their child a head start in social, cognitive, and motor development. This head start can prepare a child for kindergarten and the future grade levels. According to the National Academy Press (2000) children come into the world eager to learn; the first five years of life are a time of enormous growth of linguistic, conceptual, social, emotional, and motor competence. This essay will address questions that support early childhood education programs, such as discussing the trend, research, and analysis which supports the programs.…
For this assignment, I conducted much research on the Head Start Program. I visited the West End Gardens Head Start facility. There, I conducted an interview of three employees, where I sought to gain a better understanding of the overall nature of the Head Start program. This Head Start facility is located at 534 West 4th street in Plainfield, New Jersey. The neighborhood is very urban, where as, there were many people out and about walking on the streets. Its atmosphere is metropolitan and built up with many stores, offices, and municipal buildings. I found it surprising that children's school would be on such a busy street. All of the traffic made me a little weary about how safe the environment was. I chose this particular location because of its close proximity to my home.…
Styfco, S., & Zigler, E. (2003). Early Childhood Programs for a New Century. Reynolds, A., & Wang, M. (Eds.) The federal commitment to preschool education: Lessons from and for Head Start (pp. 3-33). Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, Inc.…
For this assignment, I conducted much research on the Head Start Program. Head Start is a child development program, which provides aid and assistance to financially less fortunate families. It serves children from birth to age 5, pregnant women, and their families. Head Start is child centered and focuses much attention on preparing young children from low-income families for school. Head Start helps parents improve their basic literacy, numeric skills and employability skills. It promotes children's developmental growth through early childhood education. The Head Start program holds classes, which instruct parents on how to promote their child's cognitive, social, language, and physical development. This program is of great importance, and coincides to what we are learning about in class. It attempts to break the cycles of poverty and lack of education of those living in paucity. It prepares the poorest children in our nation for kindergarten and beyond. Across the country, thousands of families reap the benefits of Head Start.…
Early childhood educators must identify the risk factors, the protective factors, and the resiliency factors that are present in the children and their school. This way they are able to consider and develop strategies to promote the healthy development of children. It is incumbent upon them to focus our efforts on all individuals within the school population. Children viewed as “at risk” should be provided with basic skills and remedial work while those that are viewed as “gifted” should be given…
Dubner, S. (2008, March 18). How Can the Achievement Gap be Closed? New York Times. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from…