Concussion is temporary unconsciousness or confusion and other symptoms caused by a blow on the head. First aid treatment and common treatments that you should seek when you have concussion is to apply a cold compress to the injury to reduce swelling, a bag of frozen vegetables liker peas can be used if wrapped in a towel, you shouldn’t place the ice compress directly on the skin because it is too cold and may burn. The compress should be applied every two to four hours and leave it in place for twenty to the thirty minutes. Paracetamol can be taken to control pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug painkillers such as ibuprofen and aspirin should not be used use as these can sometimes cause bleeding to the…
First the side effects of concussions are not to be taken lightly such as vomiting, headaches and much more, but it is the long term effects of a concussion that they are worried…
It has been estimated that the incidence could be as high as 20% of players per hockey team annually sustain concussions (Tator, 2009). A staggering statistic like this show there is a serious problem that needs to be looked at.…
Sports often lead to concussions, but what does returning to play with a concussion cost? Over 300,000 sports related concussions occur each year in the United States;concussions can not be overlooked. They can be more serious than they are thought to be. Concussions have been found to be related to permanent brain damage.…
A lot of people now a days love watching their favorite sports team on television or going to watch them at stadiums or arenas. But sometimes when your favorite player gets injured, most don’t enjoy looking at that. Especially a blow to the head. The fan might see a physician run onto the field to check on the athlete or athletes who receive the injury. Physicians usually ask the players what day of the week it is or where they are. These are some ways they find out whether the athletes have a concussion or not. Participating in sports is a common cause of concussion. Concussions are caused from injuries such as sport injuries or vehicle accidents, that causes the brain to hit the inside of the skull. But, there are many ways to prevent concussions.…
Many ignorant people view concussions as a simple headache, but they are so much more. Not only do concussion cause physical pain, but they can also be responsible for causing psychological damage. In her book,…
Without proper treatment concussions can have major consequences that can last for a lifetime. Students should stay off the field for a longer period of time because it can cause short and long term consequences. Back in article three it says that a concussion can cause headaches, dizziness, depression, permanent brain damage and sometimes even death. Studies show that you are more likely to get another concussion in your sport once you already received one.…
College athletes concussion rates is at all time high than high school athletes that plays the same sports. The total concussions injuries is higher in high school athletes than in college athletes. When it comes to concussion, headache is the most commonly reported concussion symptoms followed by dizziness. The timing of concussion going away varies between each athlets, but college athletes who have suffered from concussion has increased symptom reports until 1 week since the injury happended while reported symptom recovery in high school athletes at 7 days compared with 6 days in college athletes. Athletes who suffered Concussion individuals experience the same symptoms. Concussion can cause sleep disturbance, and depression. College…
A concussion is when there is a blow to the head or body that causes a type of traumatic brain injury. It causes stretching, damaging the cells, and chemical changes to the brain. Basically, it is when your brain moves in the skull and hits the side of your skull. There are many different symptoms that the athlete can experience, but there are also symptoms that coaches and other players can observe if they believe someone may have a concussion. Symptoms that players experience include headaches, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or sensitivity to light and noise, and memory problems just to name a few. Symptoms that coaches can observe include glassy eyes, noticing the player is forgetting plays, answers slowly, and can’t recall what happened before or after the play. Dangers of receiving one or more concussions can include brain swelling or permanent brain damage and in some cases they can be fatal. There are also concussion danger signs, which include one pupil larger than the other, a headache that gets worse, convulsions or seizures, loss of consciousness and can’t be woken up, and can’t recognize people or places. There is no…
The American Academy of Neurology defines a concussion as "a trauma induced alteration in mental statues that may or may not result in loss of consciousness" (article two). Many concussions that occur are often sports related and also are not treated properly. If a player with a concussion is sent back out in the field prematurely it could lead to further medical issues, including death. Some coaches knowingly send out players who have a concussion without the authorization of physician, which violates the policies set in place for athletes with a concussion. Concussions should be treated more seriously because it can lead to further damage to the brain and body, there are rules set in place to be followed, and women are in greater danger…
It is important to rest when hit in the head or it can lead to long lasting problems with movement, learning or speaking. Common ways to get a concussion are falling, fights, sports such as football, soccer, hockey, and boxing. Physical contact toward the head causes brain trauma. Soccer players have been detected to have concussions due to physical head contact with the ball that comes with force toward the head. Players also bang each others heads against each other on the field which also causes concussions leading to head trauma. Concussions are direct head contact that causes the brain to move back and forth. Women are more fragile to men which is at more risk to get a concussion, Concussions are higher for women to get it than men because they have small head and less developed neck muscle also men can absorb more…
Migraine headaches cannot really just be simplified down to just one classification. There are many determining factors when classifying one. One type of migraine is a migraine without aura; this…
First I would like to discuss what concussions actually are. According to Web MD, a concussion is a type of brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. By definition, a concussion is not a life threatening injury but it can cause both short term and long term problems. There most likely aren’t any visible signs of a brain injury when a concussion occurs. Even though it is a minor traumatic brain injury, they are still very serious. It can affect how your brain works for a while. A concussion can result from a fall, sports activities, and even a car accident. Your brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid and protected by your hard skull. The fluid around your brain acts like a cushion that keeps your brain from banging against your skull. If your head or body is hit hard enough though, your brain can collide with your skull and be injured. There are many ways to receiving a concussion; they aren’t just involved with sports. Today there are three different types of grades you can receive for a concussion. A grade 3 concussion is the worst one you can get. According to Center for Disease and prevention, recent data shows that, on average, approximately 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury annually.…
Concussions are very dangerous and some people don’t take them seriously. A concussion is one of the most common types of brain injuries. Concussions can cause a variety of physical, mental, and behavioral problems. A concussion occurs when the head is hit by an object or a moving object strikes the head. A concussion usually has to do with some kind of sports injury but can come from anything causing the head to get hit. A concussion can cause serious side effects such as brain damage, memory loss, and suicidal thoughts just to hit a few of the major topics.…
* What is a concussion? It’s an injury to the brain caused by a blow to the head or by violent jarring or shaking. It is a form of head trauma that often involves loss of consciousness, which may be momentary or may last for several hours. "Concussion - WebMD: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. 23 July 2010. Web. 03 Oct. 2011. <>.…