Mobilink is the biggest cellular company in Pakistan. I have selected mobilink for my assignment because these days its heading towards failure or a downward trend in market by having very competent competitors who are growing very rapidly. here I will discuss about the branding strategies that mobilink has been using over a period of time and what recommendations can I give .it may seem that mobilink as is the market leader will not have any errors but it’s a misconception because its very commonly heard these days that mobilink is about to do amerger with a company of its own level to avoid acquisition. starting with the history .
Mobilink is conveying the message of linking mobile phones. But these days its often said as “may be linked“because of the fact that its connectivity is going down day by day. Although it’s a very nice name but due to its performance the name is getting effected. A URL is very important for a company to be in regular contact with its customers.Showing the new and latest updates every time they visit. And the URL should be registered with different names so that to avoid fake websites eg is the official site of mobilink but if you search for or mobilink.gsm it won’t take you to the official website which is a negative point for mobilink. They should register the website with different spelling for the convenience of its customer.
LOGO: the logo of mobilink shows combination of two colors indigo and grey . indigo showing the postpaid customers and grey showing the prepaid customers. it represents there ratio too as prepaid customers are more so grey is more found in logo then indigo because postpaid customers are fewer then prepaid ones. There logo gives more emphasis to customers where as it should also have something in regard to its on company like its employees etc. what message does it gives to its employees.
The slogan of mobilink is