Legislation to protect children
The Human Rights Act 1998 which incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights came into force in England and Wales in 2000. It allows everyone the right to a fair trial, and to seek protection of their rights worldwide through the European Court of Humans rights in Strasbourg. Personal information and privacy are protected by the DATA Protection Act 1998. It frees people from slavery and degrading treatment or punishment.
THE Children Act 1989
The aims of the legislation are to make sure all the authorities make equal provision to support children, young people and their families.
It has a general duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within the area. This act aims to resolve disputes between parents and their children.
The Act also includes the support of children with disabilities who, when they reach the age of 18, come under the NHS and Community Care Act 1990.
The Children Act also helps those who have custody over the children. ( i.e. If the parent divorce and they do not know who has rights of the child/children.) It promotes anti-discriminatory practice by laying out the final law in regards to who has custody over the child. The Court will only make an order if it is better for the child than making no order. Consideration of the welfare checklist assists the Court in making this decision. In all cases when the Court determines any question with respect to the child's upbringing, the child's welfare shall be the paramount consideration.
Every child matters change for children 2003
The legislation considers the well-being of children and young people from birth to age of 19. There are five principles that should be considered despite any circumstances a child should be 1. Stay safe 2. Be healthy 3. Enjoy and achieve 4. Make a positive contribution 5. Experience economic well-being
Every Organisation working with children and young people must work together to