By Law the college have to ensure that they safeguard their students to make sure that they’re working in a safe environment, also to make sure that the students feel safe when they go to college. In general most students at NCS feel safe. Staffs make sure that the students are alright when they enter the classroom, making sure there are no spillages, to check their overlay of the computer screens, making sure they know what to do when there’s a fire. …show more content…
For example if the teacher walked around the classroom and spotted a broken chair, then he would put it aside for the states to come to collect it. With students bags on the floor the teacher would tell them to stick their bags under the table to prevent any trip hazards. If something was to happen to staff or students then, the college would have to pay compensation if they didn’t adhere to the act. They would have to have first aiders on call that are trained and qualified. When anyone within the college collapses or if something happens like falling down the stairs, the college would have someone on hand that knows what to do.
The college will have to maintain high levels of the health and safety act, this is because there are many students in the college that they are responsible for. The college has a safeguard of lanyards because it helps the staff and the students identify who is at the college, and who doesn’t go to the college. During lessons teachers make sure that the room temperature is tolerable for the students. The teacher should ask the students if the room temperature is okay, if not then the air con would be turned up or turned down to be suited for