If the employees are represented by a trade union, then the union selects the person to be appointed after consulting any employees who are not in the union.
The health and safety representative's duties include: * to consider and expeditiously dispose of health and safety complaints; * to ensure that adequate records of work accidents, health hazards and the disposition of health and safety complaints are kept, and regularly monitor this data; * to meet with the employer as necessary to address health and safety issues; * to participate in all inquiries, investigations, studies, and inspections pertaining to the health and safety of employees; * to cooperate with health and safety officers; * to participate in the implementation planning of changes that may affect occupational health and safety, including work processes and procedures, and, if there is no policy committee, participate in the implementation planning of those changes; * to inspect all or part of the workplace each month, so that every part of the workplace is inspected at least once each year; and * to participate in the development of health and safety policies and programs.
A health and safety representative may request from an employer any information that the representative considers necessary to identify existing or potential hazards in the workplace. The representative has full access to all government and employer reports, studies and tests relating to the health and safety of employees. Of course, the representative does not have access to the medical records of any individual except with the person's consent.
Workplace health and safety committees must be established in workplaces under