Human rights are founded on respect for the dignity and worth of each individual, regardless of race, gender, language, religion, opinions, wealth or ability and therefore apply to every human being everywhere.
The Convention recognises the human rights of children, defined as any person under the age of 18. All UN member states except for the United States and Somalia have now formally approved the Convention. The UK signed it on 19 April 1990 and ratified it on 16 December 1991. It came into force in the UK on 15 January 1992.
Every child matters: Change for Children 2003, this legislation was created as a result of the death Victoria Climbié. Her death exposed shameful failings in the ability to protect the most vulnerable children. On twelve occasions, over ten months, chances to save Victoria’s life were not taken. Social services, the police and the NHS failed. “Every Child Matters" provides a support framework for families.
They created Sure Start Children’s Centres in each of the 20 percent most deprived neighbourhoods. These combine nursery education, family support, employment advice, and childcare and health services on one site. Promoted full service extended schools which are open beyond school hours to provide breakfast clubs and after-school clubs and childcare, By March 2004, no homeless family with children should be placed in bed and breakfast accommodation, unless in a short term emergency.
They also created a new range of community sentences and make greater use of a wider range of residential placements such as intensive fostering for young offenders, including for 10 and 11 year old persistent offenders.