This is a summary of how my placement at field house, meets health and safety to make sure that the working environment if safe for staff and residents also visitors.
Food Safety Act,
This act ensures that nothing extra is included in food, or remove anything from food or treat food in any way this could damaged to the health of people eating. It should be served to the quality which consumers would expect their food to be, that all food is labelled so you know when the date is and what food it is. My placement used the food safety act, by using posters and ways to cut the food with what borders. They made the people in the kitchen do training often, they had to wear appropriate clothing in kitchen at all times and hair pulled back. This act ensures that all the service users in field house, have a balanced diet and provided them with options with what they may and may not want to eat. This ensures them to have some dignity so they can feel like they are in control of something, service users can sit down and have some cake or biscuits with a drink if they would like. They are getting quality food so they can stay healthy and get the vitamins and minerals they need, the food is labelled appropriately so if people are allergic to anything and the food is local so it means the food is fresh. Manual Handling Operations Regulations,
This act avoids a risk of injury as far as possible; they also encourage people to move independently as possible. People to be lifted safely staff cannot lift independently or when moving heavy residents, staff also should avoid twisting their body’s and to never lift of the floor keep load close to your body. My placement uses this by putting posters on the walls, also making staff have training often so if anything changes with manual handling they all know about it. This ensures that all residents get