Outcome 1. Understand why effective communication is important in adult social care settings.
1. Use the box on the left to identify people that you communicate with. Use the box on the right to state why you communicate with them.
|Parents |To update them on service users weeks/days. |
|GP’s |In case of a medical issue with a service user or to ask advice on a |
| |medical matter involving a service user. |
|Psychiatrists |To discuss the mental wellbeing of a service user. |
|Speech and language therapists (SALT) |To understand our service users communication needs better and to |
| |improve their standard of communication. |
|Care managers |Usually met with once a year to review the service user in the |
| |placement and how to improve the quality of life for the service user. |
|Manager |To discuss the issues I have with the work environment, for staff |
| |meetings, handover and for yearly appraisals. I can still go to my |
| |manager for issues surrounding a service user. |
|Supervisor |To review my overall work progress