Explain the methods of communication used by individuals with hearing loss
Individuals with hearing loss may use a variety of methods to communicate, depending on their preference. Often individuals may compensate for hearing loss by relying on their sight or responding to cues from others, therefore non verbal and written communication methods can be used. Non verbal methods include the use of eye contact, facial expression, touch, gestures, signs or sign language. Written communication methods include letters, pictures, texts or emails. Individuals may also use communication professionals such as lip speakers to enable them to respond and participate when communicating with others.
Explain the methods of communication used by individuals with sight loss
Due to sight loss individuals may communication using auditory, verbal and non verbal methods. Verbal methods such as talking face to face or over the phone may be used. Auditory methods such as listening and responding to taped information could also be used depending on the individuals preference. Non verbal methods such as touch, gestures and tactile methods including the use of brail could also be used. Depending on the severity of the sight loss other methods such as low vision aids could also enable the individual to respond and communicate with others.
Explain the methods of communication used by individuals who are deafblind
Depending on the individuals preference, age of onset, strongest sense, education or background, individuals who are deafblind may use a variety or combination of communication methods. Sensory methods may be used such as touch, gestures or facial expressions. The use of brail could be used to enable an individual to read and responded to others or alternatively the use of the deaf blind manual alphabet. Other rare methods such as tadoma could also be used. Depending on the onset and nature of the individuals