
Health and Social introduction

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Health and Social introduction

Identification of sector, client group and care setting

The sector that I have chosen to write my report on is 'children and young people', I chose this sector because I am hoping to work with children when I am older.
The client group is children who are 2 - 4 year old(Nursery age) the care setting will be nurserys in England.
The work of the sector

Nurseries provide full day care and education for children from as young as six weeks to pre-school five year olds. Day nurseries are different from nursery schools and can be privately run, community, council or workplace services. They all must be registered and regulary inspected by Oftsed though and must comply with the guidlines of how much staff there should be to children(for under two's, one carer to three children; two to three year olds, one carer to four children; three to five year olds, one carer to eight children). All staff there must have or must be working towards the relevant qualifications in children.
The care setting and client group

The purpose of a nursery is to provide care for those under the legal school age(5). The care may be needed if the parents work or if the parents just want their child to get used to been around other children of similar age so they can get their confidence up.
In a nursery there will usually be between 10 and 26 children in it depending how big or small it is. Nurseries are more likely to be in a rural area because families with children will more likely live there, any care setting for children in Urban areas will more likely be private care.
Facilites in a nursery : Nurseries will have a lot of many factilites that are suitable for the children, there will be a mix of play areas which are an important part of the childs development in the nursery years. There will possible be a soft play area for younger children, plenty of toys(suitable for the ages) a sand pit and/or a water pit for them to, depending on the age the

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