Its important for a baby to be identified by professional care workers because there onlt babys and they need different care from adults or teenagers, the things teenagers or an older child gets is way too strong for a baby and he wont be able to cope with all th
Later adulthood
The second way is gender because it also depends on how if you’re a girl, boy, woman or a man because a girl would need different medicine, care and support than a woman and a boy would also need different care, medicine and support from a man even though they are the same gender they need different types of care because boys cant take on the full on medicine that men take and there body’s haven’t developed as a man has and the same goes to girls and women. The thirds reason is appearance, you can identify people by there appearance but you should never discriminate them by it or treat them any different from anyone else. Yes it might mean that you have to look more into what they have took and what they need to take but what I mean is that for e.g. if they got a cold and they need a certain medicine that usually everyone gets and they do need it to make them feel better you shouldn’t purposely not give them it because you think they don’t deserve it or you think they are rude. Its your job so you should do it, your getting paid for it so you should do what your tolled to do, not what you think you should