Although the importance of preventive health cares, many people do not behave in a manner that will look after their own health. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is one relevant theory that claims to predict or control health behaviour .HBM was developed by researchers at US Public Health Service in 1974. Since the last comprehensive review in 1974, the Health Belief Model has continued to be the focus of considerable theoretical and research attention (Janz N,Becker MH,1984 and Harrison JA.el .MullerPD,1992 ) in long and short term behaviour, including risk sexual risk of behaviour and transmission of HIV/AID .This study is include theoretical background and as it examine the attributions and criticisms in Health Belief Model (HBM) . Also it is attempt to a review of the general attitudes people about the own health.
Becker (1974) described the model as attempt to describe the decision-making process under conditions of threat. One of the attributions is that HBM provided a structure, it presented the following theoretical components and variables: perceptions of the environment, perceived susceptibility and severity to subjective risk of contracting condition or sickness, plus perceived barriers or cost of taking action. In the cues to action is influenced for perceived treat is "stimulus”, which can be "internal" (e. g., perception of symptom )or "external" (e. g., social network , mass communication, personal knowledge of someone affected by the condition) be to trigger the appropriate health behaviour. According to this model, the perceived seriousness of the disease and susceptibility to disease and influence individual's perceived threat of disease. Similarly, perceived benefits and perceived barriers influenced perceptions of the effectiveness of health behaviour. We observe in the figure 1. However, Bandura in theory his Social Cognitive