A total addition of the perceived threats and the pros and cons are needed in order for the person to take action (Sarafino et al., 2015, p. 134). In this television campaign no elements from the health belief model is shown. However, from the viewer’s perspective, we can see and perceive the threat (death or injury) that will occur because of the driver’s choice of drinking and driving. This campaign may not have any elements from the health belief model, but it does allow the viewer to think rationally about the problem of this act (MADD Canada, 2007). The perceived threat of drinking and driving is the injury or death. The perceived seriousness in the campaign is the ending where the person is assumed either dead or seriously injured and by drinking and driving, one could potentially lose something valuable. The perceived susceptibility may not be the actual developing of any health problems, but it could be the fact that this could easily be anyone (drinker, or the truck that got hit). The cues of action are the sentence at the end warning and promoting the idea of preventing drinking and …show more content…
For the second assessment, benefits of promoting sober driving can reduce the amount of car accidents because people will be impaired when drinking and driving. For the barriers, there are little to none. The campaign does not show any barriers and for the viewer’s perspective, mentioning to people to drive sober is not entirely difficult. People can take the initiative to put up signs, tell your friends at a party to not drive after drinking, take the keys away, and monitor each other’s drinking behavior. Although this health belief model does not directly link to the campaign, there are elements to where the viewer can connect with the model to the campaign (MADD Canada,