A lot people are at risk of cancer and heart problems, while many actually do suffer from these things. Major medical breakthroughs have been made possible through animal testing, and these breakthroughs have been able to save lives. According to https://www.nap.edu/read/10089/chapter/2, in the 1900's heart problems were very common, and many people died from them. Doctors knew that something had to be done, so they communicated with scientists and researchers. Further research on hearts …show more content…
Women use the average of 12 personal care products, which can include makeup. There is a law that states that all products need to "live" up to expectations. One of these expectations is that it has to be safe for humans. Testing on humans is illegal, and we needed and still need other ways to figure out how things could possibly affect humans before humans use or do it. However, there was a catch; it needed to show accurate results. They couldn't just take a foreign object and hope that it affects it the same way that it would affect a human. As I already stated, they needed to test on something relatively similar to humans. Animals are the closest thing to humans, and it depends on their DNA. Mice have over 90 percent similar DNA to humans and are the main animals that are tested on. In the United States, it is illegal to test on endangered animals, which is a great idea. Mice, on the other hand, are much more populated and reproduce very quickly, if you know what I mean. Anyway, there are many products that would not be here today if it wasn't for animals testing. This would affect humans greatly. According to http://www.ca-biomed.org/pdf/media-kit/fact-sheets/FS-FAQs.pdf, humans would not have the advancements and some things that we need for survival wouldn't be available without animal testing. If there wasn't any animal testing and the law that all products need to have …show more content…
I find it even crueler that over 56 billion farm animals are killed yearly for human consumption, and we're not even talking about seafood and fish. I find this worse than the amount of animals killed due to testings. We kill these animals and then eat them. We eat them! Also, another big cause of animal death is cats. Cats actually kill 1.4 - 3.7 billion birds and 6.9 - 20.7 billion mammals yearly. You may find this weird, but cats do kill more animals than animal testing does in about 14 years. This is using the smallest number of 1.4 billion. Humans are a huge cause of animals' deaths. We kill them because we consider them a nuisance. If a mouse was to get into your house or garage, you would take every step possible in order to kill it. Mice are the most common animal used for animal testing. We kill those rabbits that eat our plants in order to survive just because we don't want our plants to die or look bad. To expand our communities, we destroy animals habitats, which leaves them homeless and without safety. As I already stated, we eat them. Some household pets are abused, and some are even killed through the process. I've done a lot of research on animals abuse and according to www.humanesociety.com, animals in testing facilities are treated better and have a better chance of surviving than abused animals. Unwanted animals in shelters are