In discussing the difficult subject of biomedical ethics, there are different scenarios that play out differently because of people’s views about morality. Consider the scenario of an eighty year-old man whom we will call Mr. Simpson. Years of getting the flu with complications has left Mr. Simpson’s lungs very weak and unable to take another year of the flu. In fact another year of the flu will likely kill him. He does not want the flu shot because he sincerely believes that the actual flu shot will give him the flu. With further research, the doctor and the family find that Mr. Simpson will accept an immune boosting shot only. If the physician lies to Mr. Simpson about the injection then he will accept it. What it all boils down to is, if the physician tells the truth, then Mr. Simpson will refuse the flu shot, likely contract the flu, and possibly die. On the other hand, if the physician lies to Mr. Simpson, then he will accept the flu shot and potentially be okay for the next flu season. The dilemma lies in what the physician should do; lie to the patient or be truthful.…
The Stakeholder in which I decided to research and write about is the AMA or to some it may be known as the American Medical Association. This association’s mission is to better public health and promote the art and science of medicine. The AMA was founded in 1847 by a man by the name of Nathan Smith Davis. The group has since invested in the doctor and patient relationship and has promoted scientific advancement as well as improved public health. Mr. Davis was the first editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association back in 1883 until 1888. The first code of medical ethics was adopted by the AMA delegates and they were the ones to establish the first nationwide standards for preliminary medical education…
Healthcare ethics involves making well researched and considerate decisions about medical treatments, while taking into consideration a patient’s beliefs and wishes regarding all aspects of their health. The healthcare industry, above any other, has a high regard for the issues surrounding the welfare of their patients. This power over a patient’s wellbeing creates a mandatory need for all healthcare organizations to develop an ethics committee. The committee’s goal is to establish a written code of ethics that details the policies and procedures that determine proper conduct for all employees.…
Clinicians are expected to provide medical services to help others. However, there is a debate about whether clinicians should treat friends and family, members also known as non-patients. “Treatment of non-patients is widespread, with some studies reporting nearly 100 percent of physicians engaging in this practice” (Latessa & Ray, 2005, p.42). A case was presented where a physician assistant (PA Brian) was asked to treat his supervising physician (Dr.Yarnell) for different medical conditions while prescribing multiple controlled substances. Legal standards provide vague ethical guidance regarding this issue and leave a lot of blank spaces open for clinician interpretation. In Dr.Yarnell and PA Brian’s case there were numerous ethical dilemmas that can be examined under the four ethical principles of medicine: beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect for autonomy, and justice.…
There is a difference between being nice and involved in a patient’s life and healthcare and being with that patient and making irrational choices for the patient because of that relationship clouding up judgement. A lot of doctors say that a relationship with a patient is unethical and unprofessional. According to a survey done by Medscape in 2012 asking 24,000 doctors, “is it ever acceptable to become involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with a patient?” 1% say that “yes” “even if it’s with a current patient”, 22% say “yes, 6 months after they stopped being a patient” and 68% say “no”. There is the last 9% that say that it depends on the situation (Physicians Top Ethical Dilemmas), which is the grey area that everyone questions.…
Larry Schmidt, Registered Nurse (RN) , Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN), Masters of Science in Health Administration (MSA) is a veteran nurse with over 30 years of experience in health care. In addition to his impressive credentials, he is also the Central Valley Service Area Director of the Emergency Department at Kaiser Permanente. Larry was an easy choice when choosing a hospital administrator to interview regarding an ethical dilemma, not only for his significant experience in healthcare administration, but also because of his vast experience with patients, their families and ethical dilemmas.…
The legal concept of vicarious liability and the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior occurs when the employee commits a tort or civil wrong within the scope of employment and the employer is held liable although the master may have done nothing wrong( Regan 2002). Physicians and other healthcare providers need to be aware of this doctrine in the supervision of their staff and their day-to-day medical practice.…
Within the healthcare field, a worker will have to make some ethical decisions. These decisions may be easy, but most will be hard to make. There are certain code of ethics a healthcare worker needs to follow in order to create the best work environment for them and for the patients. These are set so that everyone has an equal understanding of the ethics.…
2. Give 2 examples of ethical issues affecting healthcare and describe how you determined your choices to be ethical issues.…
The AMA’s philosophies set the goals they want to attain. The AMA identifies the need for change and believes that sound leadership is crucial to the success of healthcare. They build on their heritage of be the leaders in medical professional ethics, developing medical education standards and advancing science all while serving as the voice for core values in medicine (AMA, 1995). The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs governs and composes AMA ethics policies and updates for the Code of Medical Ethics. This guidance expresses the overarching values of medicine as a profession. The Code of Medical Ethics is a living document, this allows for it to be updated easily as changes in medicine and healthcare arise. This allows for changes to be made in real time and brought to the field for those to utilize. The core values and goals that the AMA develop play a major role in their social responsibility to provide value based medicine to public health. The AMA’s core values hinge on executive and provider leadership, excellence in safety, education and ethics and integrity in all medical providers. It’s goals are to improve healthcare system for patients and medical professionals while establishing acceptable ethical…
The Bartling case was about whether William Bartling had the right, over the objection of his physicians and the hospital, to have life-support equipment disconnected despite the fact that withdrawal of such devices will surely hasten his death. When he entered Glendale Adventist Hospital in California in 1984, he was known to be suffering from emphysema and diffuse arteriosclerosis, coronary arteriosclerosis, abdominal aneurysm, and inoperable lung cancer. At the end, He had to use mechanical respiratory and chest tube to assist his breathing in the ICU. Although each of these conditions could individually be lethal, he was not diagnosed as terminally ill. At first, Mr. Bartling asked his physicians to remove the ventilator but they refused. Then Mr. Bartling attempted to remove the ventilator tubes but was unsuccessful. Eventually, to prevent his attempt, he was placed in restraints so that the tubes could remain in place. The case was taken to Los Angeles Superior Court by Mr. Scott. Because he was not considered terminally ill, the court refused either to allow the respirator to be disconnected or to order that Mr. Bartling’s hands be freed. At the second time, the case was taken to the California Court of Appeal. However, the result was that Mr. Bartling had the right to make his own decision, which was obviously different with the first time. So I think the main issue in this case is about patient’s decision-making capacity, specifically, when patient is able to make make the decision of his own medical…
Using the cardinal rules of medical ethics as a base, design a policy that you would implement as an administrator of a health care organization(s) for both public health and health services. Discuss any differences in your policy and rationale.…
In modern day, health care professionals are often faced with medical decisions that affect clients seeking treatment. They are faced with situations on whether to continue care, determining the direction of care, and even deciding whom they should treat. Often, these decisions present an ethical dilemma. According to McConnell (2014), the features of a moral dilemma consist of a situation where the $$$$agent is required to do each of two (or more) actions; the agent can do each of the actions; but the agent cannot do both (or all) of the actions. The agent thus seems condemned to moral failure; no matter what she does, she will do something wrong (or fail to do something that she ought to do).…
This essay revolved around many arguments, but mostly two main pro-life arguments. One includes the argument that it is wrong to kill a human being. A fetus is a human being, therefore it is wrong to kill a fetus. Abortion is the killing of a fetus, therefore abortion is wrong. Another argument involved is the argument that all human beings have a right to life. All fetuses are human beings. Killing a being with a right to life is wrong; therefore it is wrong to kill a fetus. Abortion is the killing of a fetus, therefore abortion is wrong. Through her destructive argument she is attempting to establish that even if the fetus is seen as a human being, it does not automatically have a right to use to body of a woman, and thus does not necessarily have a right to life.…
Q1: Recall a situation in your clinical experiences in which an ethical decision was being made. If you have not been involved in this process yet, ask your preceptor to share an experience with you. Be sure only to discuss the situation as a case scenario without use of names of persons involved. Which ethical decision-making principles came into play? What impact did the ANA and/or ICN codes of ethics have on the decision that was made?…