Health Care Information Systems Terms
Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook.
After you define each term, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Include at least two research sources to support your position—one from the University Library and the other from the textbook. Cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines.
|Term |Definition |How It Is Used in Health Care |
|Health Insurance Portability and |This is a federal law that was passed in |HIPAA is used in Health care to help keep |
|Accountability Act |1996 that will protect the continuousness |patient information private and secure. |
| |of health coverage when a patient changes |HIPPA ensures that all patient health |
| |or loses their job which can limit the |information is being stored in a secure |
| |health plan exclusions for preexisting |location and only authorized staff should |
| |medical conditions that require the patient|be able to access this information. If this|
| |medical information to be kept private and |information is not protected the health |
| |secure. |care organization can face fines and |
| | |penalties (Wager,, Lee,, Glaser,, & Burns,,|
| | |2009). This term will be applied to the |
References: Morrisey, J. (2011). Health Information Exchange. Retrieved from 812 Wager,, K., Lee,, F.W., Glaser,, J.P., & Burns,, L.R. (2009). Health Care Information Systems. A Practical Approach for health Care Management (2nd ed.). Retrieved from .