Health Care Policy, Law, and Ethics
Dr. Matthew Caines
Lauren N. Hairston
March 9, 2012
You are the manager of the Cancer Center in a small suburban hospital. For the past two weeks you have worked closely with your nursing staff because they have been expressing “Burn Out” (frustration, dissatisfaction, or lack of interest in a job) as a result of the increase in the number of patients coming to the center who were diagnosed with terminal cancer. Nancy Nurse confided in you that she is particularly saddened about the rapid decline in Mrs. Jones’ health, a 30 year old single mother. She decided that the next time Mrs. Jones comes in for her treatment; she is going to give her an extra dose of a narcotic that could potential end her life. 1. Explain how the patient Bill of Rights applies to this case.
The patient bill of rights applies to the case in the patients’ “right to be given by his healthcare providers information concerning diagnosis, planned course of treatment, alternatives, risks and prognosis (Showalter 2008).” It seemed that Nurse Nancy was going to administer the extra dose of a narcotic without Mrs. Jones even knowing it. The scenario does not state that Mrs. Jones was going to be aware of the extra dose that could potentially end her life. This would mean that Mrs. Jones’ patient bill of rights was violated because she was not informed on the planned course of treatment being doubled which could result in the end of her life.
Another patient bill of rights that applies to this case is “the right to refuse treatment, except as otherwise provided by law (” This right is being violated because Mrs. Jones is not aware of the intended treatment from the nurse because she has not been informed about it thus she does not have to opportunity to refuse treatment. Even though Mrs. Jones’ health is deteriorating she is a single mother and I am sure that even though
References: Showalter, J. S. (2008). The law of healthcare administration (5th ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press. American Hospital Association: A Patient’s Bill of Rights <> EndLink: Resource for End of Life Care Education. Physician-Assisted Suicide: Module 5 <>