Another topic in health class is about alcohol. I started to realize that how it impact your health and life. It was interesting because my religion is against alcohol and it’s a sin to drink and it has confirmed that these reason of how alcohol can result in cancer and other health issues is why our religion is in contradiction of alcohol. It’s not only the health that alcohol affects but also its dangerous including if you’re a women drinking. The reason I think it’s dangerous because you hear a lot about assault and rape and the related factor of all …show more content…
I have improved in beep test receiving a higher number than all three years in high school which is 8.1 this was achieved when preparing myself in the weight room and in the gym. I also got 31 laps in 12 minute run which is a great improvement from the last time I did it. In fitness I always learned many other workouts that I now use every day in my life. For example I always was so sore after soccer near my inner thigh hand then started to do workout to make it strong like Scissor Legs Plank and leg lift. These two exercise have improved my overall improvement in playing soccer. Overall this class has taught me a lot about how to stay health and safe and I really enjoyed it and hoping to learn more next year when I take this