services (Steinman, Kelleher, Dembe, Wickizer, & Hemming, 2012). The purposes of this paper are as follows: (1) to examine the issues of disparities in mental health care access in the US, and (2) to discuss an innovative strategy to resolve these issues.
Why Mental Health Disparities Must Be Addressed by Nursing Leadership Efforts continue to be made nationwide to improve access to care for persons living with mental illness.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has allowed states to opt into a Medicaid Expansion which would afford mental health coverage to a larger population, specifically those who do not meet the requirements of poverty, but are still considered poor or near poor (NAMI, 2016a). Unfortunately, not every state has opted into the program, and the states that have are not held to any standards for the quality or level of care these people receive (NAMI, 2016a). A study by Guerrero, Fenwick, Yinfei, Grella, D’Aunno, and Kong (2015) found significant health disparities and gaps in access to care for racial and ethnic minority groups (ie., Hispanic, Latitno, and African-American) in regards to accessing and retaining mental health and addiction services. Another recent study by Operario, Gamarel, Grin, Ji Hyun, Kahler, Marshall, and Zaller (2015) found that even though sexual minorities (ie., lesbian, gay, bisexual, and other non-heterosexuals) have greater odds of mental health disorders than people who identify as heterosexual, they often have greater disparities in access to mental health services. Additionally, a study by Steinman (2012) found that only 25% of children with a strong need for mental health services had access to care within the last …show more content…
year. Given the data and studies found, nurses and nurse leaders are needed to help close the gap in access to mental health services for racial and sexual minorities, and children. Nurse leaders are key stakeholders in the effort to reduce mental health disparities in this country. They are paramount to achieving a reduction in mental health stigma, as well as improving reimbursement and policy change. For these reasons, nurse leaders must evaluate the issues of disparities in mental health care access in the US, and develop innovative strategies to increase access to and use of mental health services for all populations.
Implications of Health Disparities on Nursing Practice Mental health disorders are among the most common causes of disability in the U.S., and affect a person’s entire life including: well-being, relationships, productivity in society, as well as physical health (HHS, Healthy People 2020, 2016).
For these reasons it is imperative for nursing to focus on community-based interventions related to increasing access and use of mental health services. Every community is unique, and for this reason, interventions need to be developed based on the communities’ specific cultural, ethnic, and racial composition. Mental health disorders are associated with increased prevalence and progression of many chronic diseases including: heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (HHS, Healthy People 2020, 2016). Nurse leaders can have a positive impact on the ability of this population to obtain needed access to care through prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment. Through community-based interventions this population can have increased access to care resulting in them leading longer, healthier