The past, as well as the present picture of the patient's health situations and conditions, is well presented in the health history. The history of the health condition of the patient is chronologically presented in various categories such as the family history, the biological data, present day health conditions, functional evaluations, system review as well as the source of the history recordings (Jarvis, 2015).
Biographic data. FNP identifies the name, address, date of birth, gender, ethnic origin, occupation, marital status and primary language (Jarvis, 2015).
Source of history. FNP records who furnishes the information. The 75 year old hypothyroidism patient may be able to state by himself; however, the caregiver might be the source if the patient has physical and cognitive impairment (Jarvis, 2015). The source of information play a crucial part in providing accurate assessment of patient's existing …show more content…
FNP observes the patient’s behave during the assessment. Through observation, specific details about the behavior can be gathered. The 75 year old male patient with hypothyroidism may have decreased function in attention, memory, orientation, language, visuospatial skills. Altered cognition may also be attributed to dementia, delirium, or depression. There disorders other than hypothyroidism may occur simultaneously, and can complicate to differentiate hypothyroidism and other health conditions. To evaluate patient functional status, activities of daily living (ADA), instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), and mobility are necessary to assess (Jarvis, 2015).
Cultural. Culture influences all people’s life. Food habit, dietary belief, family involvement, the approach to decision making are cultural components. It plays a part in when the elder seeks care and influence how the illness is treated (Jarvis, 2015). Cultural differences in each patient may influence interdependence which is a part of four adaptive modes stated in