Exploring health promotion prevention levels
Health promotion has been defined by the World Health Organization 's 2005 Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World as "the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health.” As advocates for their patients, nurses must focus on health promotion education and activities. To fully understand the nursing role in health promotion we must examine how nurses are involved in prevention levels. Prevention of any disease can be grouped into three levels which are named for the stages of disease they target. The three levels of prevention …show more content…
Traditionally, nursing education was geared toward preparing nurses for acute care environments. Education was centered on the person’s illness and the treatments related to that illness. The nurse’s emphasis was on health education, informing a person about their health. Whitehead (2010) argues that nurses do not understand that health promotion and health education are not synonymous and that while health education is a part of health promotion, the latter has a much broader scope for nursing. He argues that improvements need to be made to the current nursing education curriculum to teach health promotion. According to Rice and Wicks (2007), to promote the full potential of nurses’ roles in health promotion, nurses must take a more active leadership role and design health promotion strategies. Nurses must join together and become politically united so they have a voice in healthcare decisions on a state and national level; only then will they become effective health promotion …show more content…
C., (2010). Health Promotion throughout the Life Span (7th ed). Mosby. Retrieved from: http://pageburstis.elsevier.com/books/9780323056625/id/B97803230566250000_p0390
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Lavanchy, D. (2009). The global burden of hepatitis C. Liver International, 29(s1), 74-81
Rice, M. C. and Wicks, M. N. (2007) The importance of nursing advocacy for health promotion of female welfare recipients. Nursing Outlook, 55, 220–223.
Smith, B. D., Jorgensen, C., Zibbell, J. E., & Beckett, G. A. (2012). Centers for disease control and prevention initiatives to prevent hepatitis C virus infection: a selective update. ClinicalIinfectious Diseases, 55(suppl 1), S49-S53.
Whitehead, D. (2011). Health promotion in nursing: a Derridean discourse analysis. Health Promotion International, 26(1), 117-127.
World Health Organization. (2005). The Bangkok Charter for health promotion in a globalized world. Retrieved from: