Fundamental Concepts
The nursing theory that I will be using is the Health Promotion Model, the health promotion model was created by Nola J. Pender. This model basically defines health as a positive dynamic state rather than simply the absence of disease. The model is directed towards bettering the patient and caring about their well-being. Overall it is based on the person as a whole while they are still interacting with their environment.
Evidence Based Practice Research
In this article that I found during my research basically outlined how nurses should be introduced to the health promotion model and they also discussed how evidence-based theories and planning models that can be easily introduced into practice (D, S & K, 2014). Evidence based practice in this model focuses on maintain and attaining the patient wellness by trying to prevent and manage risk factor that might affect the patient. Some examples are diet, smoking and activity level.
Prediction of Nursing Theory
The prediction of this theory is that each person that participate in this will be engage in good …show more content…
This model work on protecting health, trying to prevent ill health, and protecting the patient from pathogenic risk. “Prevention is mainly dealing with specific risk factors on the individual level (e.g. smoking cessation). Health protection is offering resources for safeguards from both specific (e.g. noise and second-hand smoke) and unspecific (e.g. traffic accidents and food contamination) risk factors in the socio-ecological environment” (s, 2014, para