Epstein, A. M. (2004). Health Care in America Still Too Separate, Not Yet Equal. New England Journal of Medicine, 351(6), 603-605.…
Health care is one of the most important issues for every country and how the health care system should be organized has still caused a lot of controversy around the world, especially in America. William Liberal points out in his article “All Americans have a right to free health care”, published in Left Coast Times in 2012 that free health provided for all Americans is a praiseworthy idea. Jacob G.Hornberger, on the other hand, claims in his article, “Health care is not a right”, published on The Future of Freedom Foundation website in 2009 that free health care is not likely a good solution. This essay will critically respond to the authors’ main arguments.…
The controversial issue of healthcare coverage for all individuals is an ethical and moral issue that Americans struggle with and as socially proactive as they are on there are many issues arising of it. Healthcare is not only about health and coverage but the major issue is about funding, what can be funded and what cannot be funded and how is going to be funded. Universal healthcare in other countries offers insight into some of the biggest issues and best alternatives for providing healthcare to all and to resolve the health care rising cost. The ethical issue of health care has led to the Accountable Care…
We are stuck between a free-market system and a government-run system. As the government continues to increase subsides and provide insurance for more and more people under Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare, as well as new stipulations under the Affordable Care Act, the system can not realistically be described as a free-market. This has created dramatic price increases in health care and has also made the costs of care entirely unrealistic because there is a total diffusion of responsibility for the payment. Additionally, as emergency rooms are required to provide care to people in need, all people technically can access care. However, this care is extremely expensive and an inefficient use of valuable resources. In order to prevent people from “free riding” in this system and just going to emergency rooms but never paying their bills, it follows that everyone must have health insurance. However, in order for that to be possible monetarily, there have to be subsidies and policies that prevent people from being excluded from coverage for preexisting conditions or other factors. Ultimately, it makes little sense to provide universal coverage of emergency care but not provide primary or preventative care, which is much more cost effective, efficient and…
By providing better health care for people in these undeveloped countries, it would ensure safer and healthier living conditions that would lower the IMR in these struggling countries. Using this knowledge of population and health geography, I am more educated on how I can make a difference in the world because it applies directly to the role of a pharmacist and other health care professionals.…
Despite general agreement that equity is a part of the United States political culture, there is a little consensus on what is meant by equity in health care in US. There is a variation in health status by location, race/ethnicity, gender, and poverty level. This variation highlights the inequality in the health of the US population, a reflection on insufficient access to care and health insurance coverage for such a big group of population as immigrants (1).…
Marmor, puts forth a comparison of the healthcare systems of Germany, Canada, England, Japan, and France to the United States. “Each, as distinct from the United States, has created a universal health care program fundamentally based on the idea that medical care is a merit, not a market good. The equal access standard does not, of course, mean ideal practice, but care is more equally distributed as a result” (Marmor p.569). This is now what ObamaCare seeks to do by imposing on the health care system that is seen to be run by private-profit companies, whose bottom line is money and not health. This idea of medical care being a “merit” and having more equally distributed care are two factors entailed in ObamaCare. This is where the elements of democracy - freedom, equality and solidarity once again come into play. Healthcare becoming more equally distributed directly deals with equality which is directly linked to solidarity and the sense of belonging or acceptance as those previously without healthcare are now in the…
Health care has been a subject matter of conversation in today 's society since new health reforms and regulations have been impacted. The United States spends billions on health care, by far the most of any nations in the world. Currently, The United States is the only nation without universal access to health care which includes "1 in 5 of the non-elderly and 50 million American 's with no health coverage" (Gruber, 2011). Receiving proper care is important.…
Over the years of our countries history, the delivery of our health care system has tried to meet the needs of our growing and changing population. “We hold these truths to be self – evident that all men all created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.” The United States is upholding the principles of the Declaration of Independence by providing Americans with a Health Care system and not doing so by providing quality, affordable, and accessible healthcare to our citizens.…
Health in America should be a privilege because the funds they spend on helping other countries and aiding projects around the world could also provide healthcare for their own. Also, Many European nations provide universal healthcare and it’s very successful in the regards of citizenship and so countries are for less economically advanced than the US. However, according to Hill (2011) who states that ‘’One reason the US is ranked so low is that nearly 50 million Americans –one-sixth of the population, including millions of children –have no health insurance at all’’. This give the impact on how low US healthcare system is lacking when it comes to the citizens of a wealthy country in regards to socialization of health reform…
According to the journal ‘The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing’ Sorrell attempts to ascertain how legislature, individual and communities struggle to enact health care reforms that are upheld constitutionally in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The health care act was first enacted in 2010. The Affordable Care Act outlines important ethical reforms of justice that provide quality health care to everyone across the U.S regardless their financial status and pre-existing conditions (sex). This paper research discusses Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its provisions to regulate equality among individuals and medical professionals in sharing resources and benefits of health care act (Sorrell, 2012).…
Around 30% of Americans have problem accessing health care due to payment problems or access to care, far more than any other industrialized country. About 17% of our population is without health insurance. About 75% of ill uninsured people have trouble accessing/paying for health care. Comparisons of Difficulties Accessing Care Are Shown To Be Greater In The US Than Canada. Access to health care is directly related to income and race in the United States. As a result the poor and minorities have poorer health than the wealthy. There would be no lines under a universal health care system in the United States because we have about a 30% oversupply of medical equipment and surgeons, whereas demand would increase about 15%. The US denies access to health care based on the ability to pay. Under a universal health care system all would access care. There would be no lines as in other industrialized countries due to the oversupply in our providers and infrastructure, and the willingness/ability of the United States to spend more on health care than other industrialized…
Fiscella, K. (2011, March 09). Health Care Reform and Equity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions. Retrieved March 19, 2011, from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/736209…
The issue of health care is a widely debated issue in the United States today. The United States spends more on health care than any other country in the world, but there are 48.6 million people that do not have health insurance. The United States also has one of the lowest life expectancies in the industrialized world, and 45,000 people die every year due to a lack of health care. The United States Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010 to try to correct some of these problems. Unfortunately, conservatives and Liberals cannot agree on the subject of health care (Kleinstuber). The health care system should be changed so that universal health care is enacted in the United States. With universal health care, citizens of the United States will become healthier, therefore, people have better opportunity to obtain human capital. Also, the benefits outweigh the detriments in the case for universal health care with some small changes with how it works. The implementation of universal health care would benefit the United States’ economy and society’s welfare.…
While visiting Africa, I came across many households that consisted of both parents, several children and grandparents aswell. The healthcare system overseas is a little different than what I am familiar with in America. For example, health insurance is tied to our jobs, but in Egypt, many of the people relay on their elderly family members to make their health decisions. A major factor that influences the health condition of Egyptians, is the fact that universal healthcare and health insurance is not offered. Instead, hospitals and clinics require patients to pay per service. Therefore, families who suffer from extreme poverty unfortunately cannot afford routine medical visits. As a result, you'll notice that many of the pharmacies don't require…