Rachel Landry & Sonya Jordan
March 14, 2015
Donna Zeh
Does your state provide a comprehensive database of services and technologies available? Mississippi offers many different informational databases on the different types of services available to individuals who live in the state. There is a specific division set up for Assistive Technology within the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services, this service offers resources to the community about assistance in home and work environments. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality offers information about Mississippi’s quality of healthcare, the positive and negative aspects and shows the information about where they need to better improve services in the state. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC, offers data information collected in a system as well as many other agencies. According to US National Library of Medicine (2015). Many states offer resources that show different data information as well as the website for each agency, along with a small bit of information about the program. They offer resources for things such as advocacy, pro bono attorney’s, assistance with Medicaid forms, and other assistance programs. There are many other informational resources available as well, however Special Needs Resource Project accumulation for different types of care in the human services area. Although there are many data collection options to view, the ones that are state or government compiled are generally more complete than those done on a smaller scale.
How do special needs populations access services in your state?
The population of special needs individuals in Mississippi state has many resources available to them, and the ease of access depends on the individual’s ability to function in order to ask for help, or have someone to speak for them. The Special Needs Resource Project is a website that offers many
References: US National Library of Medicine. (2015). Retrieved from http://vsearch.nlm.nih.gov Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services. (2015). Retrieved from http://mdrs.ms.gov/AssistTech/Pages/default.aspx