ALH 1150 Health Care Issues
Providing Culture-Sensitive Healthcare to American Indians
And Alaska Natives
Study Guide/Homework
1. List and give examples of the 12 keys to a good professional relationship with American Indians and Alaska Natives.
a. Make patient welcome-extend a warm greeting and smile
b. Use eye contact judiciously- avoid prolonged eye contact
c. Accommodate tribal healing-sprinkling corn around bed before surgery
d. Show special respect to the elderly-never scold or criticize the elderly
e. Think carefully about family care-find out feelings about caring for patient at home
f. Involve the extended family- they play an important role in decision making
g. Appreciate a different sense of time- they may be present-oriented
h. Give and expect generosity- they encourage giving
i. Take your time-avoid appearing hurried
j. Speak plainly- avoid medical terms that will not be understood
k. Respect silence- give patient time to reflect
l. Understand tribal diagnosis- ask Patient to point to the area that hurts 2. List the nine health problems and concerns to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Along with reasons:
a. shorter life expectancy- may be due to poverty, feelings of hopelessness
b. high infant death rate- due to a harsh physical environment
c. strict separation of pregnancy and disease- hold maternal clinics separate from other clinics
d. type 2 diabetes- they have the highest likelihood of type 2 diabetes in the world due to drastic change in eating habits and obesity
e. tuberculosis- due to overcrowding and poor nutrition
f. myocardial infarction- more common in urban areas
g. alcoholism- due to poverty/ high rates of fetal alcohol syndrome due to more woman drinking during pregnancy
h. pediatric health- children have low length for age/high weight for age due to poor nutrition
i. Improper diet- 5 of the top 10 causes of death are related to diet among American Indians. They believe milk is a weak food