Angela MacLeod, Ifeoma Jonathan
April 17, 2011
Jeffery Dodd
Healthcare Organization 's - HMO vs PPO Introduction A health care system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. There are two widely known and used healthcare organizations that deliver insurance to the vast majority of the population, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO). This document will further compare these organizations in how they communicate, management style, motivation, culture, conflict resolution and ongoing management development. Communication skills Health Management organization (HMOs) and the Preferred Providers Organization (PPOs) are service providers and require effective communication skills to reach out to the consumers and sustain business. Effective communication is often top of the list of attributes employer look for in a job (Lombardi D.M., & Schermerhorn J. R., 2007), whereas for service and goods consumers communication skills and style are effective tools to sell services. HMOs and PPOs use both incoming and outgoing communication skills to sell health products. Outgoing communication skills include giving of “directives, directions, consultation, demands, expectation, guidance, feedback and referrals” (Lombardi D. M., & Schermerhorn J. R., 2007) for services provided. Here the consumer or subscribe is critical to incoming communication as the health providers provided the needed information for the consumers care. Outgoing communication comprises of, “compliance, professional development, action, growth team insight, leadership, contribution and, expertise, satisfaction and, expectation, fulfillment (Lombardi D. M., & Schermerhorn J. R., 2007) to achieve efficiency and reliability in services. In outgoing communication the