With the administrative constraints currently encountered in the healthcare system, such as, increased heath care costs and strained funding, health care providers are responsible for providing care that is efficient, competent and informed by current research (Sirkka, Larsson-Lund & Zingmark, 2014). Evidence based practice (EBP) has been correlated with improved client outcomes and a reduction in healthcare costs (Upton, Stephens, Williams & Scurlock-Evans, 2014). EBP has been defined as the synthesis of current research evidence, clinical reasoning, and client contribution (Thomas, Saroyan & Lajoie, 2012). The client is an integral part in EBP as he/she is an expert in his/her own occupation and therefore provides expertise in determining occupational performance issues, as well as guiding the intervention process (Townsend & Polatajko, 2013). OTs provide expert knowledge on the interaction between the client, environment, and occupation. OTs are aware of the factors required to facilitate therapeutic occupational engagement. In addition to the information provided by the client, they use their expertise to facilitate the client in identifying and prioritizing occupational performance issues (Townsend & Polatajko, 2013). EBP is comprised of five steps. These steps provide a pathway for clinical reasoning for the provision of client care.
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Determine an objective question stemmed from the client’s goal. It is comprised of four elements: P –population, I – intervention, C – comparison to another population or intervention and O – ultimate goal of the client and intervention.
2. Perform a literature review to inform the client’s goal.
3. Critically evaluate the literature for its validity and relevance to the client.
4. Utilize the literature search results with clinical experience and the client’s input to formulate the best possible intervention.
5. Monitor and modify the intervention to fit the client’s needs (Thomas et al.,