A. Thesis
B. Statement of Points
II. Growing a Healthy Church
A. GHC program
B. A Change in Leadership
III. What is the Purpose of the Church
A. Teaching and Fellowship
B. God’s Word
IV. Why does the Church Exist
A. The gospel
B. Power of God unto salvation
V. Conclusion
I. Introduction
A healthy church growth is directly connected to the effectiveness in helping people grow
as disciples of Christ. It is a major part in the nurturing environment. Therefore, leaders in the
Church of Jesus Christ have the responsibility to create and nourish a healthy group image
among those to whom they minister. Church leaders need to recognize that their group image
will either contribute to or hinder the impact of their ministry. When you increase the health of
the group’s self-image, the people of that group become more eager, receptive, and responsive as
learners. The higher the image people in your ministry have of your church, the more willing
they will be to bring others. A healthy church image is not just the collective experience of
“warm fuzzies.” Rather it is a tangible enthusiasm about the work of God is currently doing and
the work He wants to do in the future. Just as the word enthusiasm literally means, “God in us,” a
healthy church image is built upon His acting presents. Developing the ability to verbalize a
vision to that purpose or a driving passion that God as given to you for your ministry; can be a
powerful tool,. A clearly communicated vision connects purpose with conviction, provide
substance to enthusiasm, and fuels Godly dreaming all of which contribute to a healthy church
Thesis The reason we must be a Gospel-proclaiming church, the reason that we must be a
Scripture-examining church, the reason we must be alert, unified, and effective, is so that the church might become full-grown.
Statement of Points
II. Growing a Healthy Church
III. What is the