(Just Some Ideas)
1. Any Country 36. Sleep Walking 2. Baldness 37. Snoring 3. Child Discipline 38. Fingerprints 4. Dyslexia 39. Sharks 5. Epilepsy 40. Wedding Traditions 6. Comics 41. Fantasy Sports 7. Albert Einstein 42. Guide Dogs 8. Multiple Sclerosis 43. Fibromyalgia 9. Winter Depression 44. Puns 10. Food Poisoning 11. Haley’s Comet 12. Marijuana 13. Teddy Bears 14. Teenage Suicide 15. Child Labor 16. Hypnosis 17. Vitamin E 18. Dwarfs 19. Animal Communication 20. Nuclear Power 21. Acupuncture 22. Cancer 23. Pyramids 24. Vegans 25. Lead Poisoning 26. Sugar 27. Dreams 28. Autism 29. Witchcraft 30. Chinese Characters 31. Coincidences 32. World Records 33. Ice Hockey 34. Greek Theatre 35. Maple Syrup
Public Speaking is the communicating of knowledge that is understandable. Through informative speeches, people are able to give others the benefit of their learning and expertise.
1. Choose a topic that you can research and inform your audience about. Do not inform us about something by going through the physical actions, instead, simply tell and explain the topic to the audience. 2. Developmental Skill: Continue the use of the demonstration/informative speech outline. Applying supporting materials and citing evidence. 3. Time: 5-8 minutes (Four point penalty for every 30 seconds under or over) 4. Grading: 200 possible points (Presentation-120 points, Complete sentence outline-60 points, and Visual Aids-20 points) 5. Presentation: Note cards with a key-word outline may be brought up with you. You may write out your introduction, definitions, and quotes for accuracy. Please do not write out your speech and take it up with you to speak. 6. Outline: A COMPLETE SENTENCE OUTLINE WITH A TECHNICAL PLOT is to be turned in to the
Citations: 9. ____________________ On September 11, 2001, at least nineteen suspected Osama Bin Laden’s terrorists carried out the most