Attention getter: Has anyone told them they couldn’t do something due to a physical disability?
Statement of topic: Today, I am going to talk about hearing loss.
Establish importance of topic: I chose this topic because…..
Preview statement: I am going to tell you about hearing loss, what types there are, what causes it, and what treatments or interventions are available.
Transition: A lot of people assume there is only one type of hearing loss, but what they don’t know is there are several types of hearing loss.
1. There are four types of hearing loss.
a. Conductive: Sound levels are reduced, making it difficult to hear faint sounds.
b. Sensorineural: Sound levels are reduced, making it difficult …show more content…
not only to hear faint sounds, but also to hear clearly and to understand speech.
c. Mixed: Combines the elements of both conductive and Sensorineural hearing loss.
d. Central: Difficulty hearing when there is background noise. Also, difficulty localizing sounds, following directions, and paying attention. People with CAPD usually have normal hearing when taking traditional hearing tests, but they are unable to process speech effectively in everyday situations (classrooms, workplaces, community gatherings, etc.) according to National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, last updated in 2011.
Transition: So I told you the four types of hearing loss, now I will tell you the cause(s) of each.
2. There are many biological and environmental factors that can cause hearing loss.
a. Conductive hearing loss is caused by a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, wax in the ear canal, puncture of the eardrum, or injuries to the bones or membranes that impede sound conduction.
b. According to About Deafness, last updated in 2008, Sensorineural is caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve associated with birth injuries, toxic drugs, exposure to loud noises, infection or other diseases, genetic disorders, head trauma, tumors, or aging. This is a permanent hearing loss.
c. Mixed happens to a person with a Sensorineural hearing loss who develops a conductive hearing loss.
d. Central is caused by damage to or impairment of the nerves of the central nervous system, either the pathway to the brain or to the brain itself, tumors or genetic abnormalities. Most often the cause is unknown.
Transition: I have told you the causes of each hearing loss and will now tell you what interventions or treatments can be used for each type of hearing loss.
Since back then, technology and medical interventions have improved vastly.
a. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, last updated 2012, for Conductive hearing loss, medical or surgical intervention, as well as hearing aids may be helpful.
b. Sensorineural hearing loss is mostly treated with hearing aids or cochlear implants.
c. Interventions for Mixed hearing loss include medical or surgical intervention, hearing aids, or cochlear implants.
d. For Central hearing loss, interventions include: training in phonological awareness skills, language processing skills, functional organization, and study skills.
Transition to conclusion: I have told you just the main points of hearing loss but there are several others that I did not discuss.
Summary of main points (review statement): Today, I covered most of the main points on hearing loss; the types and what differentiates them, potential causes for each, and their respective interventions/treatments.
Concluding statement: Hopefully this has given you a better understanding of hearing loss…..
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hearing loss team. (2012, July 16). Hearing Loss. Retrieved October 30, 2013 from
Berke, Jamie. (2008, November 15). What are the Causes of Hearing Loss. Retrieved October 30, 2013 from
National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Services. (2008, September 11). Hearing, Ear Infections, and Deafness. Retrieved October 30, 2013 from