I. Always start organizing your speech with Main Points – Don’t Start with the Introduction or at the beginning of the speech – START WITH THE BODY of the speech and the Main Points!!
A. Look at the research and try to find a way to organize your main points (MPs) - (chronological, spatial, topical, problem-solution, cause-effect).
B. You should have at least two and no more than five main points.
C. Try to keep the wording as similar as possible in all the main points, and state them in full sentences (not in fragments).
1. Also, devote an appropriate/similar amount of time to each one.
2. Your main points must be consistent with the central idea and the preview of the speech.
3. Each main point is just one point – One Point Per Point!!!
II. Next, Support the Main Points with Subpoints
A. Look at the research that fits under each main point and come up with key ideas/subpoints that belong to and support these main points.
1. You need at least two subpoints for each main point.
2. Your subpoints have one job and one job only – to support the main point.
B. Subpoints MUST BE complete sentences -- NOT FRAGMENTS, QUESTIONS OR PHRASES.
C. Each Subpoint is just one point, one idea, one thought, one sentence – ONE POINT PER POINT!!!
1. If there is an “and,” “because,” “including,” “therefore,” or any other similar words in the subpoint, then it is an indication that there is more than one point in the subpoint.
III. Support Your Subpoints with Sub-Subpoints (your facts and examples)
A. Sub-subpoints have one job and one job only and that is to support a subpoint.
B. Each sub-subpoint is one complete sentence.
C. Each sub-subpoint is just one point, one thought, one idea, one sentence.
D. Examples you use for supporting points--can be personal experiences.
IV. Support Your