1. Heart failure (HF) is a syndrome that involves dysfunction of the cardiac muscle, it occurs with “any of disorders that damage or overwork the heart muscle” (Karch, 2017 p.751). Some of the disorders that may lead to HF are: coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, and valvular heart disease (Karch, 2017). What ends up happening as a result of these disorders, is that the heart muscle cannot effectively pump blood throughout the vascular system (Karch, 2017). In left-sided heart failure, the “blood backs up into the lungs which leads to pulmonary vessel congestion and fluid leakage into the alveoli and lung tissue” (Karch, 2017 p.752). In right-sided failure, the blood backs up in the venous system, which may lead to liver congestion and edema of the legs and feet (Karch, 2017).…