OT: Conrad suggests that someone’s heart of darkness presents itself as an opportunity to grow and gain knowledge from. Once this heart f darkness appears, one must learn from experience in order to prevent it from happening again. It is through knowledge that we learn to defeat our inner darkness. Once this knowledge is obtained, its use for ultimate good or evil relies entirely on the human being.
S1: In the journey to finding one’s inner self, one must begin by separating from society. The comfort zone once established must disappear and the human needs to experience a totally new setting in order to make its own decisions. The descriptions of the setting in the novel Heart of Darkness allow characters to approach the setting in different ways and point of views, whether they reflect goodness or evil. Given a specific setting, Marlow manages to contain his evil and use knowledge wisely, while Kurtz is defeated by his own darkness and makes an incorrect use of his gained knowledge.
S2: Finding knowledge is a journey that requires experience and struggles. In order to have a meaningful experience, one must struggle in order to learn. Through repetition, Marlow manages to see one’s inner darkness before actually meeting Kurtz, his final experience.
It can be said that a certain degree of darkness lies within every person, but this darkness will not appear unless given the correct environment. The darkness can emerge and destroy the person, if not checked by knowledge. If one’s inner darkness does come out, the person is presented with the opportunity to gain knowledge and either use it wisely or foolishly. Only through experience and struggle, is it that one can understand and learn that with great knowledge comes great responsibility. In the novel Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, two characters find their inner darkness, but the knowledge gained from it is used in different ways. Marlow gains knowledge and