The 7 ethical argument that i think is most applicable to the video of
Heartbreak in the Heartland is that Violates Human Right. Because we
are human beings and we have the right to protect ourself and personal
freedom. In the video, when Monsanto thought a farmer was growing
thier products, they would come to thier property without permission to
check and that's violating human rights. The company that grows the
geneticaly modified monsanto seems unnatural and that what they want to
aginst the farmer because what they grow is basically fake canola and
that's not the way canola is supposed to be made. The farmer have to buy
the chemical from the monsanto. They want the farmer to have the license
to able to use thier own seed. They want the farmer to send them a money
that they were asking for so in that cases they won't charge the farmer. It's
the power of money and might. Just like in the video said " Money talks,
Government Listen ". Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
person. To me, it is the most vicious, suppressive contract on the face on
the earth. The right and the freedoms of people are taken away. They sign
all their right away to be able to use their own seed. But under law in
Canada you always allowed to use your own seed. I've learned is that just
because the gonvernments it and companies introduce it, it not necessarily going to be safe. It is the right thing that the farmer need to speak up for
their own good.