The night is closely related to heat. As stated before, "heat" and "night" are used in a combination to enhance feelings of suspense. However, "night" itself represents fear and death because it is in humans to be afraid of the dark (unknown). It is used to represent suspicion at night, and that anything can happen at anytime without any body expecting it. Enrico Mantoli's death is a perfect example because it occurred at night. These two symbols have symbolic meanings to help the reader understand the theme and the messages of the author.
The wallet is significant to the outlook of the story because the wallet represents money. Money is a representation of desperation and the harmful effects caused by it. During this novel, money makes people do dangerous actions without considering the consequences. For example, as explained on page 178, to pay for Delores' abortion, Ralph attacked and killed Mr. Mantoli for his money. Ralph's shortage of money suggests his desperation and frustration between him and Delores. Money played a huge part of "In the Heat of the Night" as it began the whole murder investigation. It also represents inequality and that blacks should not make lost of money. (pg.15)
The colours black and white