We also need to understand the specifics of combustion, which is the chemical process of burning specific compounds and other items, and the specific heat capacity - the amount of thermal energy needed to increase the temperature of a given substance. Furthermore, determining the heat of combustion to compare to the values of other hydrocarbons - elements made entirely out of hydrogen and carbon - is very useful for the reasons listed above. As we know, the measurement of the quantity of heat exchanged of any type of thermal energy released is known as calorimetry - an entirely different science than we are used to. We are using each of these concepts throughout the lab experiment and are continuing to further our knowledge of each as
We also need to understand the specifics of combustion, which is the chemical process of burning specific compounds and other items, and the specific heat capacity - the amount of thermal energy needed to increase the temperature of a given substance. Furthermore, determining the heat of combustion to compare to the values of other hydrocarbons - elements made entirely out of hydrogen and carbon - is very useful for the reasons listed above. As we know, the measurement of the quantity of heat exchanged of any type of thermal energy released is known as calorimetry - an entirely different science than we are used to. We are using each of these concepts throughout the lab experiment and are continuing to further our knowledge of each as