Reading Heaven’s Keep, I visualize what Heaven’s Keep and Aurora, Minnesota appears like. Heaven’s Keep is a large mountain range in the Rocky Mountains located in Wyoming. Heaven’s Keep is where …show more content…
Everyone first believes that the plane crashed and later found out that the plane is actually buried. The plane was buried near a canyon deep in the wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. At the canyon, Cork and Palmer see a large area where the ground is disturbed: “There, very, clearly, they saw a long rectangle where the earth has been disturbed” (Kruger 260). After digging for what seemed like forever Palmer hit a piece of metal, which turned out to be the wing of the plane. I liked how the author made it difficult to locate the plane and it took many attempts for Cork and Palmer to find the plane. Furthermore, I evaluate how Cork and Palmer became friends. Cork and Palmer meet when Palmer was trying to buy the land around Sam’s Place to build condominiums that would destroy the edge of Iron Lake. When Palmer was trying to develop the land around Sam’s Place, Jo disappears and Palmer flies Cork and Stephen out to Wyoming to help search for Jo’s plane. This brought a close unfeigned relationship between Cork and Palmer and it grew stronger, the closer they became to discovering the plane. I evaluate where the airplane went down and how Cork and Palmer became …show more content…
After being rescued by Nick, who saved her from the buried plane, Jo was flown to a hospice care center where she would live her somber last days. When Jo first arrived, she had an MRI that showed her extensive injuries: “The MRI showed the bullet lodged against her spine and surrounded by infection” (Krueger 316). On top of that, she also had brain damage that was caused from lack of oxygen from being buried inside the plane. While Jo was there she never spoke or regained consciousness. I question if Nick had dug up the plane sooner to get Jo she possibly would have lived. I think Jo would still have a spinal injury, may not have had extensive brain damage from lack of oxygen and could have lived rather than died. Furthermore, I question why the plane was buried. The plane was buried where no one could find it, to possibly hide something. Years ago in Casper, Wyoming, where Jo went missing, drug dealers consumed the town and the people in it. I think that the plane was used to transport drugs and that is why it was buried. It didn’t matter who they would have to kill on the plane as long as they got the plane buried and no one saw what happened. I question how Jo died and why the plane was