1. In hiring, how to know who “the right person” is?
In an organization, specifically a health care one, the need for highly skilled and motivated employees is pivotal. Due to the state of the job market and the pool of people looking for jobs, it is important for a health care manager not to settle on average applicants in order to fill up space in the office, rather they need to hire multifaceted people, with the following qualities: sharp attention to detail, excellent communication skills, commitment to the mission and vision of the organization, interpersonal skills, excellent organizational skills, and a good team spirit. If a healthcare organization suffers from an unenthusiastic staff that means that the manager did not hire the most qualified people. Making sure that applicants fit into the organizational structure is key, and in order to determine this, a manager should go through multiple rounds of interviews in order to ensure an optimal fit. Hiring highly motivated and skilled staff is a wise use of resources, because at the end of the …show more content…
Having worked under Mrs. Ghouleh as an intern in the billing department of Pulmonary Consultants, I knew I wanted to ask her questions about hiring “the right person” and the importance of communication, as the interview process I went through was quite hefty, and the way she communicated with the staff and physicians was superb. The interview was thorough and it involved me asking Mrs. Ghouleh questions about ensuring excellent care for patients, issues that have arisen in the workplace that have halted the practice from providing great care, qualities of an excellent staff member, and important management practices that should be included in every Health Care Management