Things as substances with properties, or as bearers of traits.
Things as the manifold of sense perceptions.
Things as formed matter.”
Heidegger believes that art has a connection to truth, because it has an uncanny ability to reveal it. With this idea he dives further into what “ thing” means,in connection to art. as a thing.Heidegger esenstually believes that Works of art have character,he give many ideas of what a “thing” is.In essence Heidegger is simply asking what where does art originated from? when asking the question what or where art comes from, he able to make the rational connection that simply states that art comes from
Art work can is connected with being” and connected with Truth. connecting art work with truth, art is connected to historical elements, in time. what something is the essence and the origins is what and how a thing became that thing. He ask the questions of what and where does art actually come from. it is understood that in essence one can view it as originating for the artist of the creator