Case Study 1 – Heidi Roizen
Heidi Roizen began her career working for Tandem computers as an editor of the company newsletter. Her first real exposure to the benefits of professional networking occurred when she applied for the position. Her friend in the company had the contact of the woman in charge of the hiring process and with Heidi’s out-going personality decided to phone the contact on a Saturday expecting to get her voicemail. There is no details what she expected to communicate over the voicemail, however when the contact answered the call unexpectedly, she managed to “build a relationship” with the contact and shortly was offered the job. One can assume during this conversation she focused on how she would be able to perform in her performance for the organization but also help the contact in filling the position as part of her role. Heidi has demonstrated throughout the whole case, she builds her relationships by “win-win” situations.
Her role in Tandem Computers presented a perfect training ground for Heidi to develop her networking skills. She saw a great opportunity in this role to get in contact with powerful people of the organization. She immediately saw the benefit of being the communicator between the CEO and the employees and took it upon herself to demonstrate her performance and consistency and to deliver on promises.
Heidi saw performance as being able to get back to the person and do what you could to help them out and being responsive. This did not mean entirely the outcome would be completely successful, but to be able to respond and demonstrate that you sought all avenues for success would be performing. Her definition of consistency meant that people react the same way every time. People in business who do one thing one day and something completely different the next day causes confusion. If a relationship is built on performance and consistency, few