All required reading & homework is to be completed prior to the start of the class in which the material is discussed or due (appendices are generally not covered unless otherwise noted). This schedule is tentative and daily assignments are subject to date changes (you are responsible for all announced changes whether or not you attend class!!!)
BE = Brief Exercise P = Problem
BEC = Brief Exercise, App. C BYP = Broadening Your Perspective Problem
E = Exercise
Note on interpreting homework assignments: Homework listed for 1/18 is to be completed in WileyPlus by 8:00 AM on Friday, January 18. The information for homework is located in WileyPlus and the work papers for your comprehensive problems are in the course packet.
|1/14 M |Course Introduction | | |
|1/16 W |Intro. To Financial Statements |Ch 1 | |
|1/18 F |Intro. To Financial Statements & |Ch 1 |BE1-1, E1-8, P1-3A |
| |Accounting Information System |Ch 3 | |
|1/21 M |MLK Holiday - No School | | |
|1/23 W |Accounting Information System |CH 3 |E1-9, E1-17 |
| | | |E3-1, P3-2A