As the Jewett murder story gained greater popularity in the penny press, the more traditional papers found themselves struggling to equalize their sense of journalistic against the drama that had become the talk of the town. “The Evening Post of June 8, for example, called it ‘disgusting’ and ‘disagreeable,’ covering it only to satisfy a ‘public excitement.’ (Cohen 26)” This became outrageous when the collapse to discern involved a wanton disrespect for human life, which ended up leading to manslaughter. Killing is immoral. Some people are afraid to read about murder because they are afraid of blood and guts, but others think it was interesting and uncommon like to discuss about in the
As the Jewett murder story gained greater popularity in the penny press, the more traditional papers found themselves struggling to equalize their sense of journalistic against the drama that had become the talk of the town. “The Evening Post of June 8, for example, called it ‘disgusting’ and ‘disagreeable,’ covering it only to satisfy a ‘public excitement.’ (Cohen 26)” This became outrageous when the collapse to discern involved a wanton disrespect for human life, which ended up leading to manslaughter. Killing is immoral. Some people are afraid to read about murder because they are afraid of blood and guts, but others think it was interesting and uncommon like to discuss about in the