Hell No GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism’s)
Michael H. Hicks
Kaplan University
The Non GMO Project defines Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMO’s, as organisms whose genetic characteristics that have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques from genetic engineering. (GMO Facts, 2013) In other words, scientists are playing ‘God’. It’s typically found in plants and animals around the United States and Canada. GMO’s have been banned in about 60 countries, including Australia, Japan, and the European Union. Genetic engineering allows us to make changes in DNA which manipulates the functions that a particular organism is capable of. When the gene is inserted on sperm and egg cells, genetic breeding techniques produce animals and plants that contain the new gene in all the cells in their body. (GMO Facts, 2013) This creates a morphed idea of plants and animals as we know them that could not have otherwise occurred in nature or cross-breeding.
Scientists had an idea to make crops more resilient to external factors. Virtually all GMO’s are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce insecticide. Let’s say you grow tomatoes and at night it gets so cold that by morning half of your tomatoes are frozen and now you can’t sell them. The hope was that this biotechnology would end world hunger by creating higher crop yields. Ironically, studies have been found that indicate just the opposite. In some countries where starvation rates are very high there have been many cases of citizens burning GM crops in protest. Monsanto, the largest biotech company in the world, was able to make seeds that resist their own seed, Roundup Herbicide. (Benson, 2013) This allows farmers to spray as much herbicide as they want without worrying about their crops dying. Scientists can now make seeds with their own pesticide. Roundup is a non biodegradable product, which means it will continue to build up in our soils, depleting it of minerals and good bacteria, while also damaging the natural resources nearby. The bacteria that used to only be in our soil is now being distributed in the air by our crops. People living close to these fields are developing skin, respiratory, intestinal problems, as well as immune system dysfunctions. (Benson, 2013) Within the last 20 years, the obesity numbers in the United States have increased dramatically, and are still rising. According to NaturalNews.com, studies have found that GMO’s can cause cancer. Rats were fed GMO’s sprayed with Roundup Herbicide for the duration of their life and ended up developing tumors all over their bodies. The International Journal of Biological Sciences came to a similar conclusion, but their study also included the discovery of organ failure. (Benson, 2013) The attempt to grow organic goods has become problematic in the farming industry. It’s very easy for a genetically modified farm to contaminate the crops of its neighbors. When this happens many farmers are faced with the hard decision of throwing out their current seed and starting the decontamination process of their fields, which could take years. Most farmers live on a crop to crop basis, so when starting over isn’t an option they are forced to join with the Monsanto way of farming. Often times farmers are sued for using the seed from these contaminated crops without permission. Weeds and pests have mutated and developed resistance to crop chemicals, resulting in the rise of disease and pestilence due to the use of GMO’s.
With every opinion, there’s a counter opinion. There are individuals out there who support the use of GMO’s in plants and animals, claiming that the benefits outweigh any future potential risks. According to Forbes GMO Food Debate in the National Spotlight, genetically modified crops can be made to resist viruses, fungi and bacterial growth. (Hennessey, 2012) They are engineered to develop at a much faster rate. GM crops can tolerate extreme weather conditions, such as cold fronts or droughts, which allows for products to be grown in areas that would have otherwise not taken the seed. Vitamins and minerals can be added to GM crops for increased nutritional value. It is said that this can prove to be beneficial for third world countries, helping to reduce the ever increasing starvation and malnutrition rates. When it comes to the debate on labeling genetically modified products, food manufacturers are worried that it would create for uncalled concern. Reid MacDonald, CEO at Faribault Foods, says, “It sort of implies the product is bad for you when there is no basis for that.” (Hennessey, 2012) The FDA feels, because there have been no studies that human beings are directly affected by GM foods, conducting routine safety reviews is not a necessity. They let the companies who are developing these new GM food products decide for themselves if their ingredients are safe. According to Forbes.com, British Parliament member George Freeman as well as Bill Gates, both publically stated they are pro GMO’s. Freeman said, “The resilience we need for the future will be delivered by smart plant breeding – and that’s all GM is.” Gates went on to say, “By spending a relatively little amount of money on proven solutions, we can help poor farmers feed themselves.” He also argued that GMO’s could help solve world hunger. (Hennessey, 2012)
It’s important that we, the people, take a stand against GMO’s. We need to start fighting for our health and the health of our children. Although protesting is a great start, there are more ways to make a difference. If you shop at Whole Foods, go online and see the list of non-GMO products available in their stores. It’s important to remember while shopping for organics that you look for the non-GM label. Not all organics require GM testing. More and more people have opted to grow their own fruits and vegetables. It’s cheaper, easily accessible, and you have the comfort of knowing exactly what’s going into your body. However, when buying seeds don’t forget to check labels, if it’s not labeled then it probably has GMO’s. Buying from local farmers markets is a good healthy way to go and will support your local community as well. If we don’t make the necessary changes to benefit our health, who will?
Benson, J. (2013, January 23). Seven ways GMO toxicity affects animals, plants, and soil. Retrieved May 29, 2013, from Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/038792_GMO_toxicity_digestion_cancer.html
GMO Facts. (2013). Retrieved May 29, 2013, from Non GMO Project: http://www.nongmoproject.org/learn-more/
Hennessey, R. (2012, November 3). GMO Food Debate in the National Spotlight. Retrieved May 29, 2013, from Forbes LLC: http://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelhennessey/2012/11/03/gmo-food-debate-in-the-national-spotlight/
References: Benson, J. (2013, January 23). Seven ways GMO toxicity affects animals, plants, and soil. Retrieved May 29, 2013, from Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/038792_GMO_toxicity_digestion_cancer.html GMO Facts. (2013). Retrieved May 29, 2013, from Non GMO Project: http://www.nongmoproject.org/learn-more/ Hennessey, R. (2012, November 3). GMO Food Debate in the National Spotlight. Retrieved May 29, 2013, from Forbes LLC: http://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelhennessey/2012/11/03/gmo-food-debate-in-the-national-spotlight/
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