The author wanted to let the read know what are going to be the big points he is go to base the book on by letting the reader know that those topics are not topic that they talk about in any other history books or in school on how form those events that were happening in early Denver. One of the main point is prostitution now of the cover of the book people get to know that this book well most likely talk about prostitution from the beginning to the end. Once the reader is done with this book they well get to know that life was not that easy for women in any way that was known if that women had some type of education than they would have a decent job not like that other women that were just force to be prostitute the only way to get their
The author wanted to let the read know what are going to be the big points he is go to base the book on by letting the reader know that those topics are not topic that they talk about in any other history books or in school on how form those events that were happening in early Denver. One of the main point is prostitution now of the cover of the book people get to know that this book well most likely talk about prostitution from the beginning to the end. Once the reader is done with this book they well get to know that life was not that easy for women in any way that was known if that women had some type of education than they would have a decent job not like that other women that were just force to be prostitute the only way to get their