Chapter 1 1. The term prehistory refers to the period before (p. 6) An era before history
2. Which of the following was not a hominid? (p. 7)
3. The most important development of Homo erectus was (p. 10) Homo erectus was able to migrate to many areas such as all of a Asia and some of Europe.
4. Which of the following choices is in correct chronological order? (p. 29)
5. Which of the following statements is true of the inhabitants of the Paleolithic Age? (p. 14) They were hunter gathers and couldn’t accumulate wealth because of migration.
6. Most scholars believe that, during the Paleolithic Age, social organization was characterized by (p. 14) Age, strength, intelligence, or fertility.
7. The first human beings of the fully modern type were the (p. 17) Homo sapiens Sapiens
8. The Venus figurines (p. 17) Had great interest in fertillity
9. Instead of the potentially misleading term agricultural revolution, many anthropologists prefer the term (p. 19) Agriculture transition
10. The earliest known agricultural technique was (p. 21) Slash and burn
11. The mastery of agriculture led to a population explosion. From a sparse population of around four million in 10,000 b.c.e., the global figure rose by around 500 b.c.e. to around (p. 22) 100 million
12. One of the earliest Neolithic settlements was __________, which was located at a freshwater oasis north of the Dead Sea and had a population of around two thousand. (p. 22) Jericho
13. Which well known Neolithic settlement was located in south central Anatolia and had a population of around eight thousand? (p. 22) Catal Huyuk
14. The earliest of the three Neolithic craft industries was (p. 23) Pottery, textile production, and metalwaorking
15. The earliest metal worked