Hello ! I'm Sam and I am running for sophomore class president! Most of you guys know me or have seen me around school, I mean I'm kind of hard to miss. But, to those of you whom I do not know yet, Hi IM SAM! I am an outgoing, loud person, with a lot of personality. I love to talk and meet new people. Okay let's get to why I'm running and why you should elect me. I'm running for president because I love to see people working together, hand in hand to get things done. I love leaving school everyday knowing I've made a positive impact on the student body. You should elect me because I am a good leader and I am currently a StuCO rep for the freshmen class, so I have experience, I know what works and what doesn't work. I know the commitments involved and there have been many times that I take away from my open labs, or lunch or weekends for student council, and I'm okay with it because I know that time will be spent getting things done. Another reason you should elect me is because I know how to interact with people and I know how to use people's talents in a way that allows them to make a contribution to the group as a whole. Katherine Hepburn said,When I’ve been unsuccessful, I’ve been controlled. When I’ve been successful, I’ve been in control. You should elect me because as president I will delegate, not dictate. I will entrust people with tasks they are willing to pursue, I won't tell them what they have to do. When I was little my mom would always “put me in charge of a small tasks, things that would range from holding the door open for someone to buckling in my little siblings when we were in the car. (she always double checked the buckles) She could have easily done those things by herself and most parents would rather do that than putting their four year old up to it. But she gave me something more than a job to do. She gave me an opportunity to show I could step up. That’s what I want to do as president. I want to give you all opportunities, if youre willing,…